7 November, 2024ADULT SAFEGUARDING DAY is the major annual public awareness drive of safeguarding Ireland which takes place on the second Friday of each November (Nov 8th in 2024).
Safeguarding means putting measures in place to uphold our rights, support our health and wellbeing, reduce risk of harm – and empower us to protect ourselves.
Adult abuse happens when a person’s rights, independence, or dignity are not respected. This can be deliberate, or caused by a lack of knowledge, or omission of care. However, all circumstances of not respecting a person’s rights are abuse and, in some cases, a serious crime.
There are many forms of abuse including – financial, emotional and psychological, physical, sexual, organisational, online, neglect, coercive control, or discrimination.
Approximately 14,000 cases of alleged abuse, and 1,500 cases of financial abuse, are reported to the HSE Safeguarding and Protection Teams each year, although the actual figures (what is not reported) are thought to be much higher.