Looking for a place of your own? We'll CU Home...


“CU Home” offers members an affordable, flexible home loan.

Speak to our Home Loan Lender in our Mullingar Head Office for more information about this product.

You can find a Mortgage Credit Checklist in our Downloads section.

Our CU Home mortgage has a competitive variable interest rate of 3.75% (3.82% variable)

Whether you’re buying your first home, trading up (or down) or you’re thinking about switching your mortgage, talk to us today.

Maximum Loan amount €400,000
Minimum Loan amount €40,000
Maximum Mortgage Term: 35 Years
Interest Rate: 3.75%

How to apply

How To Apply

Existing members can call us in our Mullingar Head office.

If you would like more information on mortgages please contact our Mullingar head office today on 044 93 48817

Contact Us